Transition to Modernity...
Help Your Business Transition To Modern Times
What is Transciti?
Our goal is to provide a set of guidelines to bring your business up to the latest trends and standards that cutting-edge companies are already utilizing. This set of tools becomes ideal for businesses that are working to bring their great products to today's audience.
What do I do with these checklists?
Just like API, IEEE, ISO, or ASME checklists exist for designs, features, and components, you can use these to make sure your business is doing things such as: properly securing documents, using the latest software, utilizing best website practices, and staying visible online...
Why do I need these for my business?
The invention of the wheel, the lightbulb, telephone, and concrete have drastically changed humanity. All of these innovations also accelerated commerce around the world and fundamentally altered the way business is done. You probably can't imagine running your company without the basics. Why not consider all the modern tools that are available today and make sure your company stays ahead of the technological curve...
What do checklists cover and will there be other topics?
Currently, we have the SIMPLE SET available as part of our onboarding run. This covers the business basics. This is a great place to get started and set the standard for your business as a "modern entity". We will be adding more topics and major areas as we work to provide more expansive information. Please purchase our introductory checklists to start your business rolling towards the future. The TS datasheets will quickly become the new "Modern Business Standard"
It comes from EXPERIENCE...
Experience comes from working in very small companies, medium sized businesses, large enterprises, and even government institutions and understanding that there is always a better way to progress.
Our combined background includes: Energy, Engineering, Manufacturing, Technology, Aerospace, Design, Internet, Business, Sales, Financial, Legal Services and the food industry.
This resulted in an initiative towards the "standardization of modernization" by inspiring us to create some key steps all companies should follow to survive in today's climate.
Simple Set: Set A New Business Standard...
TS-01 - Small Business
Modern Transition Sheet - Whether you are a small shop or a starter studio, there are many things you can do to assure that your business is heading in the right direction.
TS-02 - Medium Business
Modern Transition Sheet - As your sizable business spreads its wings with multiple locations to serve customers better, you can help your company utilize the latest technology...
TS-03 - Large Business
Modern Transition Sheet - A global presence, a global enterprise. Your corporation and branding is seen everywhere. Make sure that it doesn't skip a beat with modern tracking!
TS-04 - Virtual Business
Coming Soon!
TS-05 - Mobile Business
Coming Soon!